The Boutique of Mental Health


Frequently Asked Questions.

How Do I Know If I Need Counseling Or Would Benefit From It?

If you are unsure, you may schedule a free 15-minute consultation and we can work together to figure out the answer to these questions.

Why Go To Counseling When You Can Talk To Friends?

If talking to friends isn’t helping enough, someone outside of your life, who has training in helping others, can give you a more objective assessment of problems that concern you.

Is My Problem Appropriate For Counseling?

There is no such thing as right/appropriate or wrong/inappropriate issues that can be presented in counseling. In other words, any problem can be addressed.

Isn’t Counseling For People Who Are Basically “Unstable”?

Not at all. Today counseling is broadly used and is appropriate for all populations and for a wide range of concerns. Everyone has difficult life experiences sometimes. When these difficulties interfere with how you are feeling or your ability to function, then it can be very helpful to seek assistance or support from others who are trained to help you.

Is Seeking Counseling A Sign Of Weakness Or Defeat?

To the contrary, asking for help when you need it demonstrates great strength. We often feel we should be able to resolve our problems on our own, but at times it can be difficult to do so. Asking another person to help you help yourself is also an indication of strength. It takes courage to face your problems, and once you have decided to get help, you have already taken an important step toward positive change.

How Long Do Sessions Last?

Sessions last 50 minutes.

How Frequently Will We Meet?

In the beginning of counseling clients often come in on a once a week basis. After that, the frequency is based on your needs and goals.
For other questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.

What Are Your Rates For Therapy?

Our private pay rates for therapy are $175 for the initial one hour session, then $165 per hour for each following individual session.

This can vary depending on your type of insurance which can affect your overall payment. 

Please contact us if you have any questions.