More Fulfilling, More Joyful, More Enjoyable.
Who doesn’t want that?
What price would you pay to have your child look forward to that first day of school rather than crying herself to sleep at night because she doesn’t have friends?
How much would you give to actually feel confident knowing you can face whatever life throws at you?
Why would you not want to relish in your gifts and enjoy your life, rather than living each day feeling like a large weight is resting on your shoulders?
Yep, all of these issues (and more) can be solved through therapy.

People often think therapy is paying someone to be your friend.
While I will always, always have your back, I don’t have any agenda other than getting you where you want to be. Not so with everyone else in your life. Whether it be your husband, mother, or even friend, they all have ideas about what your life should look like. Not me.
My job is provide a judgement-free space where you can get 100% unconditional support.
However, this doesn’t mean we won’t work. To get you where you want to be, we may have to look at the hard things in your life. I provide a space where you know your only goal is to not just feel better but GET better.
That’s it. No games, no agenda, just you and me working to get you the best life possible.
Since you are still reading, I’m guessing you may want to know a bit about me. Below is a brief bio about me, my certifications, and what I do.

University of Central Arkansas, 2003. Bachelors of Science in Psychology. Manga Cum Laude.
University of Central Arkansas, 2005. Masters of Counseling Psychology.
Registered Play Therapist (RPT), 2012. Credentialed through the Association of Play Therapy.
Licensed Psychological Examiner (LPE), 2005.
Licensed Psychological Examiner- Independent (LPE-I), 2010.

Amy Is An Owner And A Founder Of True Hope Counseling.
She has been working in the outpatient therapy setting with all ages since 2005.
In addition to being certified as a Registered Play Therapist, she also has specialized training with specific programs including:
A unique program that focuses on the development of healthy attachment for children who may have been abused or neglected. Works very well with the foster/adoption population as well as other issues with children.

A specialized play-therapy based program designed to help children on the Autistic Spectrum to develop coping and social skills.

Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment (TF-CBT)
An evidenced-based program designed to help children work through past trauma. Focuses on allowing children to gain coping skills to handle the feelings associated with trauma as well as to change the thoughts regarding themselves and the abuse.

Ready to Get Started?
Shoot Amy Flaherty Hood an email at:
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